Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Ring

Today I was sitting in my Spanish class, we had not started yet and everyone was talking while waiting to start. My teacher began to pass out tests or something but I was sick last week so it did not pertain to me. I asked if I could go get something and my teacher said yes. I went and got my jacket for some reason, I was not really cold but I guess a little chilled. I put it on and went back into class. As I sat down I reached for the right chest pocket. Again I really had no reason for doing it I just did. I felt the pocket and it felt strange, the pocket was bunched up but I did not know what it was. I really did not think much about it, it was one of those things that you just do kind of subconsciously. Anyway I unzipped the pocket and there in the top of the pocket was my ring! For those of you who don't know...This ring has been missing for weeks! I have cried over it and searched and searched for it. I looked in all my coats and jackets EXCEPT for the one I was wearing today. I prayed that God would help me find. He certainly did! He is so good. I really can only point this to Him. I can not say that it was a coincidence. I had accepted the loss and left it up to God. I almost started crying in Spanish class. I was so excited! This ring is very special to me. My mother gave it to me for my birthday. It says "Love Waits". I have a very special plan for it once I become engaged, that is why it is so very important to me. It was such a nice and unexpected surprise. I praise and thank the Lord!


  1. Hey Lissie! OMG! Praise the Lord that is inceridible. I have a promise ring my mom gave to me too. I cant imagine what I would do if i lost it! I would cry and cry! God works in mysterious ways. He never seems to stop surprising me. I think sometimes he shows us his magnificence by things like that. Showing us that his ways are higher then ours. We learn so much. Praise be to his name again!

  2. omg.....I am soooo happy for you allison!!!!!
    Go you the site looks amazing...it is beautiful!!!!! Love you,
    Ali Jane

  3. Lisi!! Your blog is so cool! This is going to be so much fun being on together!!! love you!

  4. I'm so glad to see you blogging! I am looking forward to reading future posts!! Cheers :)
