Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm back! I really don't have a ton to post though...I enjoyed it. It was a new experience for me. I am very grateful that my parents let me go. I was a little surprised they did. I might post little things as I think of them but I am really tired and I don't really feel like staying on here long. It was pretty fun though. It had it's good and bad moments. When we got free time we played volleyball or four square. Volleyball was fun! The classes were fun but I am not gonna lie I got a little bored in class sometimes. I learned some stuff that will be pretty valuable I think. Well I am so tired and this post is kinda blah because of it so I am going to stop now.


  1. um....where exactly did you go?

  2. I was in East Tennessee at Tri-City Gospel Music Camp. It was actually like a music school though, not really a "camp". I guess it was a camp in the sense that I stayed there in a dorm all week.
